About Us

We aim to build a better every day, always thinking beyond and how we can have a positive impact.


Who We Help

We help you make strategic decisions, achieve your long-term objectives, reduce costs and grow your bottom line, whilst also keeping you fully compliant with the latest tax obligations.

73 Cornhill

London, EC3V 3QQ

R&D Tax Relief, Tax Advisory

Gerald Edelman’s R&D Services

Gerald Edelman’s R&D Services
Leo French

By Leo French

02 Nov 2023

At Gerald Edelman, we are always looking for new opportunities for our clients to grow. With R&D Manager, Leo French, we act as a hub for UK businesses seeking to harness the untapped potential of Research and Development (R&D) Tax Relief.

Our comprehensive R&D tax relief services are tailored to support companies across various sectors, from tech startups and manufacturing firms to science, engineering and more.

We also provide R&D consultancy work and advisory work to support you with your clients, as well as reviewing claims and assisting with HMRC enquiries.

With our expert guidance, navigating the intricacies of the UK tax system becomes a seamless process. This website is your gateway to a wealth of information, resources, and personalised assistance.

Discover how we can help you maximise your R&D tax credits, optimise your financial strategy, and secure a brighter future for your business.