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The Property Round January 2022

The Property Round January 2022
Richard Kleiner

By Richard Kleiner

17 Jan 2022

Welcome to The Property Round January 2022 edition, where we have cherry-picked the latest insights, news, and advice by leading property industry experts, keeping you up to date with all the latest industry developments.

2021 was an eventful year to say the least. Amidst the ongoing uncertainty, the end of furlough and stamp duty holiday incentives, relaxation of government restrictions and new announcements in the Autumn budget, we have still seen remarkable property sector recovery, albeit the momentum of growth in 2022 remains questionable with the new Omicron variant now among us. However, we remain hopeful that the resilience seen in pandemic times will continue and growth and opportunities will prevail in the dawn of the new year.

Looking forward, in this January 2022 edition, we are delighted to bring you advice and valuable insights from The Guild, Trower & Hamlins LLP, Landstones Estate Agents and CBRE, alongside the contribution of our Gerald Edelman partners, who will share insights into the market and the key changes and updates to be aware of.

Read this edition for the latest information on:

  1. The property update – by Sonal Shah, Richard Staunton, Hiten Patel, Deval Patel, Partners, Gerald Edelman
  2. Common mistakes made when operating the Construction Industry Scheme – by Richard Clutterbuck, The Guild
  3. Sustainability ESG investments and the impact on the property sector – by Naomi Roper and Katherine Lewis, Partners at Trower & Hamlins LLP
  4. The new commercial rent code of practice – A guide for landlords and tenants – by Richard Kleiner, Managing Partner, Gerald Edelman
  5. The government extends the filing window for UK property tax reporting service – by Amal Shah, Partner, Gerald Edelman
  6. VAT and rights to light – by Richard Staunton, VAT Partner, Gerald Edelman
  7. Additional guidance for non-taxpaying trusts for registration on the Trust Registration Service – by Sonal Shah, Partner, Gerald Edelman
  8. The lettings market reaches new milestones – by Martyn Green, Sales Director, Landstone Estate Agents
  9. Commercial property expenditure: unclaimed tax savings – Are you missing out? –  by Ronak Shah, Director, CBRE

For advice on any of the articles discussed contact our partners or email,


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